Friday, April 27, 2007

Is Rabbi Aron Boruch Tendler Moving To Baltimore?

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. Rabbi Aron Boruch Tendler of Los Angeles

I've been hearing rumors that Rabbi Aron Boruch Tendler of Los Angeles is making plans to move to Baltimore to be close to his brother Hillel. Please note that there is already a Rabbi Aron Tendler living in Baltimore. I think this is going to make life very confusing to many. The Rabbi Aron Tendler who currently lives in Baltimore has never had any allegations of sexual misconduct made against him. He is a well respected member of the Baltimore community.

Rabbi Aron Boruch Tendler is the son of Rabbi Moshe Tendler and is the younger brother of alleged sex offender Rabbi Mordecai Tendler

The Rabbi Aron B. Tendler from Los Angeles has been accused of molesting teenage girls at the high school that he was principal. Rabbi Aron B. Tendler is close friends with another alleged sex offender by the name of Rabbi Yaakov Menken, who runs torah. org.

If anyone can confirm that Rabbi Aron B. Tendler is moving to Baltimore please post the information here. Also we want to know where he is going to move so we can warn parents of teenage girls to be aware.
Rabbi Hillel Tendler, Rabbi
Mordecai Tendler, Rabbi Moshe Tendler


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This week is parshat Kedoshim, and I want to do my best to live up to the name. I'm not certain how I could be better off having been involved by reading this, much more so for having replied. Perhaps I can help by praying for Hashem to help those that speak out again a fellow Jew as well as any possible victims of abuse (…if there really are any). Remember that beyond the grave, *everyone* gets what they deserve. *NOTHING* is overlooked! Whoever you are I hope my added prayers to help you are heard (please G-d). Good Shabbos!

April 27, 2007 1:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can confirm that he IS moving to Baltimore in the coming weeks. He will be living with his daugher and son-in-law in the Shellydale area of Greenspring. I encourage everyone to spread the word. It is critical that he not be employed in any position that will allow for him to be with children and teenagers.

July 19, 2007 1:01 PM  

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